Customer testimonial
...I use WatchDirectory for monitoring each yachts inbox, and when a new file arrives it moves the files to an approval queue.
Once the material has been approved, it is moved to another directory....
(Volvo Ocean Race)Complete testimonial
Copy or Move your New and Changed files!
watchDirectory can distribute your files to multiple destination folders. Enjoy 100% flexibility by using Dynamic Naming for your target files!
Convert your postscript files to PDF
Automatically Convert PostScript to PDF using watchDirectory as a low cost alternative to Adobe® Acrobat® Distiller®
Do you want email notifications when directories change?
Let watchDirectory automatically email you when files are deleted, added or changed in a directory. You have complete control on the appearance of the email. Supports HTML email as well!
Monitor the size of your folders
Automatically delete (or move) files from the monitored directory when it is filling up. Allow a maximum of X files or megabytes, and watchDirectory will (re)move the oldest.